The great Canadian outdoors is the best part of our heritage and country.
It is within reach and it is our responsibility to educate and protect our legacy!
About Us
Friends Outreach Canada, is a registered not-for-profit organization, in Ontario, managed by a team of committed volunteer directors. They believe in giving back and making an impact in the community, by providing organized outdoor opportunities in an enriching and supportive environment.
They have created the NeXgen series of programs focusing on less privileged kids/youths from local registered organizations, with a mission to engage and educate them in outdoor activities, such as safe angling, nature, outdoor survival skills and conservation, with emphasis in education and providing them with the right gears/products to continue the activity. With focus on diversity, equity and inclusion, each participant is encouraged to interact and participate in programs, which will boost their self-esteem, confidence and to realize an accomplishment. Also, studies have shown that the outdoors has been deemed therapeutic, so they have incorporate a unique monthly on-line program for any youth/adult, to encourage a dialogue and address the health and wellness challenges.
All programs provided at no cost, to all participants and led by preferred professionals in the industry.
Our Directors
Stanley Joshuasingh
President, CEO
Stanley has over eighteen (18) years commitment of creating and advancing
kids/youths. organized outdoor programs for less privileged.
He strongly believe in these programs, which enhances self-esteem, self reliance and confidence, thus making a
difference in their lives and community. He recognized that this can be acquired by introducing outdoor programs, to assist in team
development for many reasons. Team sports are readily available in Canada, however, barriers still do exist for the less privileged kids
and youths.
He has been volunteering his professional photography/videography services for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of York region for
more than twelve (12) years, during which he co-founded the Catch A Dream, kids fishing derby, with their help in 1998.
This event has grown to be one of the largest kids fishing derby in Canada, fishing in Lake Simcoe, with a total inventory of 84
bass/walleye boats with pro-anglers.
In 2018, he founded the NeXgen Young Anglers, with 115 kids fishing on-shore, with pro-anglers as their coach, in Lindsay Ontario.
This program has been very successful and has now expanded to Keswick, Georgina, where 115 kids have enrolled.
Stanley works very closely with registered local charities in the various communities, such as Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boys and Girls
Clubs, Children Aids Foundations, Make a Wish Foundation, CHIMO, 5 Counties, Jericho Youth Services etc.
His mission is to create organized outdoor programs focused on these efforts.
As a result, in 2021, he founded a not for profit organization, Friends Outreach Canada, to engage, educate and empower the
less fortunate kids/youths to get outdoors and enjoy nature. His long term goal is to expand these programs to various communities
and to create a support system for the development and a sustainable organization in Ontario, in collaboration with professionals,
industry leaders, businesses and corporations that believe in the cause.
He is self employed and involved in the marketing and communication industry, with hands on experience in photography,
videography, graphic design, print and social media production focusing on SME (small and medium enterprise), including retail
for more than fifteen (15) years.
His spare time is spent on camping, fishing, boating, travelling, attending trade shows and reading.
Rocco Scarano
Chief Operating Officer
Rocco has been in the insurance industry for over 50 years. he joined Liberty Mutual Insurance Company as anunderwriter and producer in 1970. He has worked with many insurance companies in many capacities, before deciding to go into the brokerage business. List of companies include Great American Insurance Company, AIG Insurance Company, Northunberland General Insurance Company, Jevco Insurance Company, Corsana Insurance Insurance Brokers, Dynes/JD Smith Insurance Brokers.
He is a very experienced professional and has a wealth of experience to share.
Martina Junkin
Secreatary / Treasurer
Martina Junkin is a small business owner of a boat dealership in Port Perry. Prior to starting the business, she was a Property Manager in low income housing (subsized housing) working with non-profits and co-ops. She worked closely with each sites board of directors. She has also sat as a Treasurer on a non profit board for low income housing in Durham Region.
Martina enjoys the beach, crafting, reading and decorating in her spare time.
Fazeena Shabudin
Fazeena is a customer service representative, with Mckesson Canada, for over 40 years.
She is just not only a passionate humanitarian, but a living example of a philantropist who have dedicated
most of her life in providing relief efforts to new comers and their young families, under-housed communities,
refugees and under-privileged families in Canada and Guyana.
She network with like-minded people in her community to fund raise and provide support on an on going basis.
Fazeena is also an active member of Canada’s oldest Muslim-Canadian relief organization, Human Concern
International (HCI), for the last 20 years. She is the proud mom of 3 children and 2 grandchildren, whom she adores.
She enjoys singing, cooking and travelling.
Honorary Doctor Hailey Patry
Honorary Director
Hailey Patry is your True Happiness Coach, Marriage Mentor and The Happy Business Coach.
Nicknamed as “World’s Happiest Woman”, and the recipient of countless business and life impact
awards, Hailey is a master coach on happiness, relationships and success.
She built a 60-million-dollar home-based-business, along with many other successful companies,
all while overcoming great adversity. As a happily married mom of three neuro-diverse boys, with
various special needs, plus a variety of health challenges of her own… she understands the challenges
that many of us face.
You might say that her deck of cards is really difficult, and yet brimming with joy and positivity.
Having spoken for over 2-million audience members, with students in 136 countries, she is an international
speaker and facilitator. Hailey is also an award-winning author with five #1 International-Best-Selling Books.
Check out her 4th book HAPPY LOVE and her 5th contribution in ‘Leaders with Impact’, which is called:
‘Life Lessons –for Living Your Best Life’. Overcoming more than 30 years of trauma, taught Hailey how to
make lemonade out of lemons, and she has dedicated her life to helping YOU create your best life to with
her proven practical tools. Hailey works with entrepreneurs, families, organizations, and couples.
When she’s not serving her amazing clients, you’ll see her in nature with her family, or snuggling with her

Our Mission
Strive to encourage, educate and empower kids/youths, to participate in our outdoor programs, designed to create a positive difference and create value in their well-being and enhance their lifestyle! We provide programs to encourage and not only educating them to practice safe and responsible angling but to enjoy the great outdoors, the benefits of nature and the importance of conservation.
Our Vision
To engage more kids/youths to enjoy angling and the great outdoors, through Corporate Sponsorship and pro-anglers as volunteers, in various regions of Ontario
Our Values
We believe every kid/youth has the right to enjoy nature and the great outdoors and be educated about conservation.
Event Images

Our Programs

NeXgen Young Anglers - Kids Fishing Derby
This incubator program is designed for kids ages 4 to 12 years, with is focused on engaging and educating the next generation
of young anglers, at an early age. They are sourced from local registered organizations, such as the Big Brothers Big Sisters, Children
Aids Foundation, Boys and Girls Club, CHIMO, 5 Counties, Make a Wish Foundation, Jericho Youth Services etc.
Each kid is provided with a branded cap, tee-shirt and a new fishing rod to use for the event and for keeps.
The 110-125 kids attending, are color-tagged with a wrist band and teamed up with local pro-anglers (ratio 8:1) who volunteer their
time and resources to educate them on water safety, the do’s and dont’s in sportsfishing, endangered species and conservation.
Each fish caught is being identified and measured to qualify for a trophy. Trophies (3) are presented for -Smallest, Most and Largest
fish caught. Also, a loot bag with a tackle box with extra lures, water bottle, note pad, crayon, pencils etc. is provided for each
kid/youth - timeless moments!
A BBQ Lunch (in Lindsay) and Boston Pizza (in Georgina), is provided for everyone attending.
The success of these derbies (2) depends on volunteer pro-anglers, and financial sponsorships.
A partnership with a title sponsor is secured for each location, and funding is provided by sports angling businesses and local
businesses, from the hosting community.

NeXgen Offgrid - Youth Outdoor Survival
Conducted by Mr. David Arama
This program is designed to encourage, educate and empower vulnerable youths, ages 14-20, about survival skills
in the wilderness and great outdoors, in various regions as necessary. They are referred to us by local organizations
in the community.
This is a 5 hour wilderness program, for a group of 20 youths mentored by the program leader, David Arama.
He will be relating his real life stories of growing up in the inner-city poverty setting, and his experiences that led to being a
business and resort owner, published author, and reality television consultant.
He is also the owner of WSC Survival School and Lost Youth Survival Inc., with over 30 years of experience as Canada’s
leading Wilderness Survival School and has taught outdoor survival skills to airline pilots (worldwide), firefighters, police,
both Canadian and American soldiers.
Activities include the following:
- Primitive shelter building
- Fire construction without matches
- Purifying water
- Foraging for wild edibles
- Orienteering with a map and compass
- Being prepared with a survival kit
- Survivor trust and team challenges
- Nature lore and wildlife signs and calls
Important goals of the day include reconnecting with nature, hike into scenic areas, and learning important survival skills.
Activities will include teamwork and leadership building, and conclude with debriefing that relates to everyday life in a
complex world.
* This program is focused on life changing skills, with an insite to careers such as jounalist, forest ranger, environmentalist, botanist, hunter,
landscaper, arborist, conservationalist, angler, boater, natural resource and forestry officer, tour guide, educator and many more.
All interested youths, will be offered a second program and they will receive an attendance certificate.
The success of this program solely depend on sponsorships from organizations, associations or corporations who have identify the
current social issues and would like to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable youths and the community.

NeXgen Lifestyle - The Greenspace Initiative
Managed by Honorary Doctor Mss. Hailey Patry
We believe in the healing power of nature!
It has been realized that many in the sportsfishing and hunting industries are suffering silently with mental health, ADHD, PTSD,
anxiety, depression, etc., and as per medical research and published documents in Europe, outdoor therapy is very effective,
with significant positive results.
The Greenspace Initiative, is a unique and supportive program designed to help youths/adults who are faced with mental health and
wellness challenges. We host a monthly one hour zoom session, plus private sessions by request, for audiences of 25+ attendees.
They are referred by anglers/hunters from various groups or regions in Ontario. In time, those who are not involved in the outdoors,
would be encouraged to get outdoors, to enjoy nature and maybe try fishing. This program features our guest speaker for Happiness
and Mental Wellness, a 5x award winning author, who’s spoken to over 2 million audience members. She is a sought-after professional
speaker, facilitator and master coach and happily married mom with 3 wonderful boys ... Honourary Doctor Hailey Patry.
The success of this program is dependent on the cooperation of the participants, in various regions and corporate sponsorship.

Our Sponsors

Let's get in touch
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Email Address
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Mailing Address
Suite 113, 9325 Yonge Street
Richmond Hill, Ontario. L4C 0A8